Use Cases

#1 Free PSS / OOMS Resources

Problem: Airline needs to free to its Passenger Service System  / Offer & Order Management System where::

    • Cost is too high.
    • Core is a highly critical & new functionalities could impact on performance
    • Computation in core equipment is too expensive

Solution: Offload the PSS / OOM by leveraging on production-ready biztribution’s solutions to reply to millions of non business / read-only transactions while airline saves huges amounts of money. 

#2 Improve Customer eXperience

Problem: In the seek excellence airline wants to better serve its customer:

    • Convey more content (own & 3rd party partners).
    • Deliver personalized views as a function of who is the customer
    • Increase search capabilities (i.e.:
      multi-day flight search).
    • Provide accurate information to avoid frustrations.
    • Speed up response times.

Solution: Improve Customer eXperience by leveraging on production-ready biztribution’s solutions for next generation search which brings more sell opportunities to the airline while the customer is able to find a reply for his needs without leaving airline website. Accuracy is granted thanks to push technology and multitenancy is guaranteed to deliver the right data to the right party.

#3 Look-to-book ratios

Problem: Customer, OTAs and metasearches look-to-book transactions are:

    • Hard to maintain in terms of personas and specially computing resources.
    • There is no money on the search (non-business transactions), but a lot of cost in terms of IT.
    • A bad search experience leads to less bookings.

Solution: Leverage on biztribution zero-latency technology to avoid related issues while improving Customer eXperience. It is possible to create an adhoc solution for each kind of customer!.

#4 Enhance Computer Security

Problem: There are evil people that continuously are trying to hack into airline systems, which impacts on performance and creates an uneven situation for real airline customers.

Solution: Thanks to biztribution push technology is the airline the one that pushes the information to biztribution. However, the reverse path simply does not exists. That means that for all look-to-book transactions airline PSS / OOM is not reached because there is no way to do that. Thanks to biztribution high performant solutions these transactions are diverted with no impact for legitimate customers..

#5 Route Analysis & Optimisation

Problem: Sometimes airline is not aware of it network capabilities when its opening a new route o when a potential route is not fulfilled because i.e.: minimum connecting times are not fulfilled by minutes.

Solution: With biztribution solutions the airline is able to understand why some flight do not connect at certain points.

#6 NDC Offering

Problem: Airline wants to publish in its NDC offers with different pricings as a function of business needs.

Solution: While other solutions focuses on how to caching offers, biztribution delivers dynamically the pricing for every offer based on tier prices and business rules loaded by the airline that modifies the behavior in real-time.

#7 Routing & Best Price

Problem: Based on customer request, airline wants to deliver best price for an Origin & Destination customer search, so in one shot the customer can have the different alternatives with its price, and the airline can increase sell opportunities while better serving his customer.

Solution: With biztribution’s pricing guru the different routing options for the O&Ds are calculated and pricing for every option added and sorted as a function of the price.

#8 Price Calculations

Problem: Airline has many company contracts and different price tiers and rule to apply as a function of the contract.

Solution: biztribution’s personalized price allows to compute this price in real-time based on airlines rules that are loaded dynamically delivering the right data computed at the right time.